Mid way through

The Thinking Read

Well, mid-way through NaNoWriMo, and I got nothing.

Well, 1,000 words of nothing.  It just hasn’t been my month for writing.

I’ve found myself obsessed with making progress on ‘concrete’ projects.  So the closets have been built out.  The false ceilings in two of the rooms in the house dropped.  Solid things that I can look at and say, yeah, I did that.

For some reason, at the moment writing doesn’t bring me the same feeling of “Look, I have a product” as the chores and the construction work.

It will again. Just have to sit at my job and follow it, ok sometimes prod it with a stick and some caffeine. To be a writer means to write, and sometimes that is easy, and other times it feels like some sisyphean task.  (Ha, blogger, you and your spell-check. Learn your history and mythology.)

So, back to the rock rolling.  I just wanted to make an appearance here to make sure that the cobwebs don’t become a permanent installation.

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