Tag: depression

  • Midnight Writing Jan 9, 2016

    Midnight Writing Jan 9, 2016

    Some people travel through the Shadowlands and after trial and tribulation they emerge. They shake off the dark soot of so many sorrows and return to the sun. I did not travel through. I lived in the Shadowlands. I ate of the fruit and drank from bitter streams. Years have passed here and the Shadowlands…

  • CPTSD Paradox #1

    CPTSD Paradox #1

    Since they never develop a sense of safety, they distrust others while simultaneously searching for a “rescuer” who can finally give them the unconditional positive regard they were robbed of in childhood. ~National Center for PTSD

  • CPTSD and the Miracle of Survival

    CPTSD and the Miracle of Survival

    Usually when we talk about survival we talk on a grand scale. We think big. Our mind’s eye conjures up disasters and world changing events, daring adventures and the impossible quest, things on an epic scale worthy of eighty point type on the front page or a close-up on the television.  Survival is the story…

  • The Vanishing Point

    The Vanishing Point

    In the darkness of my bedroom I look at the ceiling. Lit only by the pale moon, the fan, still in the autumn cool, is a black spider clutching the ceiling and hovering over the bed. In perfect silence and with the greatest care I relax my desperate grip on my sleeping husband’s hand.

  • 100 Words: Search

    An image resides in my head. I have never been able to shake it. It is indelible.

  • 100 Words: Rising Tide

    As a child my task was to conform myself to my confinement.

  • 100 Words: Just

    Just is a word used to minimize and limit. It saps verbs of their agency.

  • 100 Words: Flashback

    You feel it, the first tug pulling you down. What was the trigger? A word? A thought?

  • A Mashup of Thoughts on Kanye, Mental Health, and Something My First Therapist Said That Blew My Mind.

    A Mashup of Thoughts on Kanye, Mental Health, and Something My First Therapist Said That Blew My Mind.

    This might not be my most coherent essay.  It’s more some random thoughts that all got mashed together.  So, the first item is a discussion that I had with friends over on Facebook about Kanye.  Let me give you a recap: Friend 2: He is. So, why doesn’t he do something about it?  Friend 3: He…

  • January 2020: An update

    January 2020: An update

    Hey folks. Looks like 2020 is rolling. That’s good. The “holiday season” is over, things are returning to normal. The season of string is upon us. I’ll spend endless dark winter nights looking at Phiala’s String Page, and far too many YouTube videos by Bernadett Banner and Angela Clayton. (Ayup, just lost a half hour looking…