Tag: Writing

  • Red Seas Under Red Skies: A Brave New Con

    Red Seas Under Red Skies: A Brave New Con

    Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch There seems to be a trend in published series where the second novel is a pale companion to the debut work. So, it was with rather low expectations that I picked up Scott Lynch’s, Red Seas Under Red Skies opens, which is the second book in the…

  • The Twin: Flawless New Tale of Faith and Logic

    The Twin: Flawless New Tale  of Faith and Logic

    The Twin by Kevin St. Jarre A thinking person’s retelling of the story of Jesus of Nazareth focusing on the “lost years”. Using the literary frame of a translator revealing a newly discovered gospel Mr. St. Jarre paints an insightful commentary on the narrative of Jesus, religion, and the human yearning to believe. “The Twin”…

  • In the Trenches: After a long break…

    In the Trenches: After a long break…

    My last post was in September. My last social media post was 21 weeks ago. Huh. I vanished from the on-line scene for nearly 6 months. In that time life has turned inside out. I’ve moved half-way up the easternseaboard. I’ve lived in a hotel for nearly two weeks. I’ve sold my big whitefarmhouse. I’m…

  • In the Trenches: My Old Frenemy Depression

    In the Trenches: My Old Frenemy Depression

    I’m at a cross roads and frankly rather depressed. The world seems stacked against me. You know the feeling, nothing is going right, everything seems to be harder than it should be. The type of days where the septic backs up, the dog is sick over the floor, your credit card is declined, and shoelaces…

  • Out of Left Field: It Really Isn’t a Surprise

    Out of Left Field: It Really Isn’t a Surprise

    I told myself, “Self, no political essays. Not one until you have your novel off to the editor.” “No, put the pencil down.” “I mean it.” And various other bribes and threats. All in vain in the wake of this headline https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russian-general-admits-ukraine-just-a-stepping-stone-to-invade-europe/ From the article: “I think there’s still plenty of time to spend. It…

  • In the Trenches: Late Response v No Response

    In the Trenches: Late Response v No Response

    When do you call a late response a no response? This brief note is a bit of a follow up to the last post. I got curious and so went and looked at the stats I am generating off my database for queries. The longest query still open is *drumroll* 331 days old. So that…

  • In the Trenches: OMG- 240 days

    In the Trenches: OMG- 240 days

    It’s an all around win, where everyone loses.

  • In the Trenches: Harshing on Hope, the Hamster Wheel

    In the Trenches: Harshing on Hope, the Hamster Wheel

    Well, I can at least report some progress. Areas of the website are being updated to make sure that all images and photography are correctly attributed. yesterday was spent surveying possible agents. I think after four weeks of working on it, I may have a better query letter ready to go out. There is no…

  • She Who Became the Sun: An Unsurpassed Dazzling Creation

    She Who Became the Sun: An Unsurpassed Dazzling Creation

    She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan Shelly Parker-Chan’s novel of yearning and becoming carried me along effortlessly. The prose transports the reader from one idea and image to the next with a simple clarity of purpose. If the reader is looking for soaring prose that plays with images, meaning and meter, they might…

  • In the Trenches: How to Avoid Troll Bullies and Scams

    In the Trenches: How to Avoid Troll Bullies and Scams

    You might notice my website has a new look. I could claim I was going for a new zen-like vibe, but that’s not it.